Sandra Doman, D.C.
Safe Yoga For Athletes
4:00 PM - 5:15 PM

Sandra Doman, D.C. is a chiropractor, registered Yoga teacher, and owner of Miami Sports Chiropractic and Yoga Center, in Aventura, FL. Dr. Doman earned her doctorate with honors from Palmer College of Chiropractic, Florida Campus and holds a B.S. in Business and Economics from Lehigh University in Pennsylvania. She developed “Dr. Doman’s Guide to Working with Injuries,” a program that teaches Yoga teachers how to work with musculoskeletal injuries, and she serves as the orthopedic injuries educator for all Equinox clubs in South Florida. She was the on-site chiropractor for the Dwyane Wade, University of Miami, and Shaquille O’Neill basketball camps. Additionally, Dr. Doman has been on the Board of Directors for the Florida Chiropractic Association since 2017 and was a 3-year President of the Dade County Chiropractic Society. She is adjunct faculty for National University of Health Sciences in Chicago and has a satellite clinic facility at Gulfstream Park where she treats the jockeys.