University Of Miami's
UM Yoga Day
November 16, 2019
Join us for the inaugural UM Yoga Day! Our all day, wanderlust-like festival will bring together the UM Yoga, mindfulness, and wellness communities to help you celebrate all that you love about life in the city of Miami and as a University of Miami Hurricane. We aim to introduce you to healthy lifestyle alternatives that are available to you as resources on campus through an amazing and eclectic collective of UM's elite Yoga and mindfulness-inspired professors and faculty members, along with a few outstanding teachers and leaders from the Yoga and mindfulness community in South Florida.
Sponsored by The UM Wellness Department, UM Student Affairs, UMindfulness, the new college brand Meditating Mascots, and us here at College Yoga Day, the event is FREE for all UM Hurricane students, faculty members, staff, alumni, friends & family members, fans of the University, and Yoga, mindfulness, and wellness enthusiasts from all over South Florida.
Please find more information about UM Yoga Day below…
Other Info About UM Yoga Day...
UM Yoga Day is for all people of all backgrounds and all levels of practice. In terms of what to expect, there will be Yoga sessions that are slow and gentle, others that are flowy and athletic, and some from popular styles of Yoga. We will also have seated mindfulness meditation sessions and lectures. On the schedule page, Yoga sessions range from 60-90 minutes and meditation and mindfulness sessions and lectures range from 55-60 minutes. All sessions are on a first-come, first-serve basis and we will have 4 sessions beginning every 90 minutes. What's more, there will be morning kids sessions, an Acro Yoga play area, a 12 PM Yoga-themed scavenger hunt (with team prizes!), an afternoon panel on Reclaiming Wellness, and nighttime feel good music featuring Drew McManus, lead singer of the band, Satsang. We hope you enjoy what we have planned for you!
UM Yoga Day is a B.Y.O.M. (Bring Your Own Mat) event and we will have a limited number of mats available for new practitioners. Registration is mandatory, whether you pre-register here on the College Yoga Day website to make it easier on the day of the event or you register when you arrive at the event. Everyone must present proper identification (of some sort) for admission and a wrist band, which is necessary for entrance into all sessions. Additionally, signing a waiver and release upon arrival is required for entry for all attendees.
UM Yoga Day is non-competitive, friendly, family-like environment where kindness and supporting each other is valued and honored. It is also a drug-free and alcohol-free event and we request that you do not bring anything that would potentially disrupt the harmony of the event for others. Be mindful...and if in doubt, please leave it out.